【陆哲说】雅思考试攻略之雅思备考长难句仿写 07
2021-06-02 环球教育
This rhetoric had also crept into the thinking of business leaders and entrepreneurs, much to the delight of self-proclaimed perfectionists with the need to get everything right.
The local government has invested a large sum of money on building new public transport system, much to the delight of local commuters who used to spend at least one hour by bus on the daily basis.
Why is it that on paper the drive for organization seems a sure shot for increasing productivity, but in reality falls well short of what is expected?
This new governmental policy of increasing the price of fuels of vehicles on paper is going to greatly reduce the usage of private cars, but in reality it falls well short of what is expected.
Order does increase productivity to a certain extent, but eventually the usefulness of the process of organization, and the benefit it yield, reduce until the point where any further increase in order reduces productivity.
The high price of fossil fuels reduces the usage of private cars, but it only reduces until the time when more and more people begin to realize taking public transport is money-saving but very crowded and uncomfortable.
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