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【陆哲说】雅思考试备考攻略之雅思长难句仿写 05

2021-05-12 环球教育



Professor Short contends the mindset and skill-sets behind these designs have been completely lost, lamenting the disappearance of expertly designed theatres, opera house, and other buildings where up to half the volume of the building was given over to ensuring everyone got fresh air.


The international community stresses that clean and renewable energy sources, regarded as the magic key to worldwide energy crisis, should be promoted by governments in both developing and developed countries, criticizing the excessive consumption of traditional fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas, which is exacerbating the climate change.



Much of the ingenuity present in 19th-century hospital and building design was driven by a panicked public clamouring for buildings that could protect against what was thought to be the lethal threat of miasmas – toxic air that spread disease.


Much of stress of nowadays students in primary and secondary schools is driven by parents hoping their children can receive high-quality tertiary education that can greatly help their children to get what they want after graduation– employment with high salary and social status.



Whether it is of our lives – all those inboxes and calendars – or how companies are structured, a multi-billion dollar industry helps to meet this need.


Whether it is winter or summer, an air-conditioning system is not necessary at all in green architecture.  

Whether governments be rich or poor, scientific research on new medicine and treatment ought to be funded by them.

Be governments rich or poor, scientific research on new medicine and treatment ought to be funded by them.


【陆哲说】雅思考试备考攻略之雅思长难句仿写 03

【陆哲说】雅思考试备考攻略之雅思长难句仿写 04


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