OSSD ENG4U 之写作分享
2020-06-28 环球教育
You can use them more effectively by following a few simple guidelines. (通过遵循以下原则来更高效地使用语言)
1. Avoid redundancy(避免冗余)
It just gets in the way. Don’t make things more complicated than they need to be. (减少冗余信息,可以提高语言交际的效率。)
For example(比如):
Version 1: When the process of freeing a stuck vehicle that has been stuck results in ruts or holes, the operator will fill the rut or hole created by such activity before removing the vehicle from the immediate area.
Version 2: When freeing a stuck vehicle results in ruts or holes, fill them before removing the vehicle from the area.
Analysis: Version2 要比Version1更好,冗余会让读者很难快速理解文章或者句子的核心观点,对于啰嗦的词汇和句子可以删繁就简。
2. Ditch flowery language(不要使用太过华丽的语言)
Avoid using “words that sound smart.” Keep things clear, simple, and concise. (语言不要太过华丽,要保持清晰,简单和明了。)
For example(比如):
Version 1: Some errant but well-intentioned scribes, in a wayward attempt to imbue their words with as much of Newton’s force as their scribbling digits can muster, deploy innumerable adjectives of rare and curious vintage, all in the Sisyphean hope that the ones who ultimately feast their eyes upon their assembled lexis might not remark on the absence of quality in the burning light of quantity. Alas, their heroic efforts often have all the utility of a fine mesh door on an undersea submersible.
Version 2:Some writers use as many adjectives as possible to try to make their writing sound better. This is usually as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
Analysis: Version 1 不仅句式复杂,单词冗余,而且语言表达过于华丽,相比之下,Version 2 句式简单明了,可以更加清楚地传达作者的核心思想。
3. Choose the right level of formality (根据不同场合选择合适的语言)
Don’t email your new boss to say that you love her. 不要给你的新老板发邮件说你爱她。
For example(比如):
Version 1: The government should pay to help people to stop smoking to stop them from getting all kinds of gross diseases and so other people don’t have to breathe that nasty stuff.
Version 2: The US government should fund smoking cessation programs to reduce the incidence of smoking-related diseases and prevent bystanders’ exposure to harmful secondhand smoke.
Analysis: Version 2 要比Version 1 语言更加正式,在比较正式的场合中,注意避免缩写,不要使用模糊的词语,要选择强有力的动词,名词和形容词,Version 2 的语言要更专业。
4. Sound credible and confident(语言要听起来可信和可靠)
Vague and weak language tells your readers that they shouldn’t believe you. Strong, direct, specific language shows off just how smart you are!
For example:
Version 1: There seem to be a bunch of possible problems with this policy process.
Version 2: There are three problems with this policy process.
Analysis: Version 2 要比Version 1更具说服力,原因是选择了强有力的词汇,而不是使用微弱,模糊不清的词汇。
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