2020-09-13 环球教育
Universities should accept equal numbers of maleand female students to study in every subject.
Do you agree or disagree?
In the contemporary world,in my opinion,.
Industrial arts and metalworking,,areareas of general education that deals with technology and industry.In the past,most schoolsrequired boys to take industrial arts.Today,,yet only a small number of female students study these subjects because theyrequire manual skills and mental abilities as most graduates in manufacturing fields work infactories where working conditions include high levels of dust,.
However,attract many people,and clothing industries.Some work in the fields ofdesign.
Is there a gap of living in cities and the countryside?
The debate over the merits of city versus countryliving will probably never be settled to anyone’ssatisfaction.But I believe that the argument hasnow gone in favor of.
Take China for example.Cities have been viewed asthe sites for economic opportunity by the massesof people.The countryside has become progressivelydepopulated,as millions sought jobs and better livesin cities.The urbanization process in China hastened its steps and widened the gap between thecity and the countryside for a time.
Commerce and industry have established the cities as places to live and work.And even if citylife sometimes proves to be congested,it represents animprovement over the poverty of the countryside.
a total of 222 million rural poor in China have thus been lifted out ofpoverty.
Some people think that children but others think that children should betaught to cooperate to become more useful adults.
Moreover,violent behavior on television may heighten the aggressivetendencies of a child who considers such behavior permissible.Children are less likely to beinfluenced by TV violence if they have learned that violent behavior is wrong.
Education also helps children adjust to changes in specific situations.This benefit has becomeincreasingly important because social changes today take place with rapid speed.
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