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2020-08-20 环球教育



  Taking Stance-Format 4:Advantage and Disadvantage

  Sample Question 1

  Somepeople live in one community for their entire lives.Many more move at leastonce,while others quite often.

  What are the advantages and disadvantagesof these two different modes of life?Give your reasons and examples.

  Sample Question 1:Brainstorming

  Key words



  Related issues



  Positive Side

  •ŸEnjoy better living environment


  Negative Side

  •ŸParting with relatives and old friends


  Sample Question 1:Essay plan

  Main Body 1-Topic Sentence

  The most advantage to moving house isthat__________________________ However,there are alsodisadvantages___________________

  Main Body 2-Topic Sentence

  Similarly,there are many benefits______________________________

  Sample Essay 1:Introduction

  S1 For manypeople,moving house is one of the vicissitudes of their lives and it happensfor various reasons:lower rent,a better job,brighter prospect,,and so on.S2 However。

  Sample Essay 1:Mainbody 1

  S1 The mostobvious advantage to moving house is that people can live in a new social andnatural environment,more friendly and excitingthan that of their old neighborhood.S2 Living in a new community canalso be a new starting point in life for the migrants,who may find better jobsand brighter prospects there,the very reason that appeals to them in the firstplace.S3 Also.

  Sample Essay 1:Mainbody 2

  S1 Similarly,by dwelling in one community from the cradle to the grave,people can enjoy astable and tranquil life and avoid the hidden dangers and hectic struggles ofventuring into unfamiliar surroundings.S4 Nevertheless,a majordrawback that often associates with never changing one’s domicile and socialenvironment is that life may become colorless and monotonous after many yearsof routine living.




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