2020-12-03 环球教育
Paul Tufts为大家详细解读安省高中制度,帮助各位家长更好的了解加拿大留学!
Hello and thank you for inviting me to be a part of your program today.
My name is Paul Tufts and I am happy to speak with you about the school system in Ontario,the most populated province in Canada.
我的名字是Paul Tufts,很高兴能跟大家一起聊聊加拿大人口最多的省——安大略省的教育体系。
I am very familiar with the Ontario education system as I have worked in it for over 30 years.
During that time,I always believed that Ontario's education system is one of the world's best.
Then I have had the opportunity to work internationally learning about school systems in Malaysia,Australia,Sweden,Peru and China-and I found out that Ontario's school system is respected around the world.
The question that I started to ask myself is......"WHY is Ontario's education system so highly respected?"
One of the reasons is PISA(Programme for International Student Assessment)Test for 15 yr olds held every 3 years in the subject areas of Science,mathematics and literacy
Canadian students,and specifically Ontario students,consistently achieve rankings in the top 5 globally
World class in all respects,starting from the Ontario curriculum that is globally recognized and respected at all levels of education,and continuing to the innovative methods that Rosedale Academy uses to deliver that curriculum to today’s students.
Given the realities of 2020 and the pandemic that is affecting all of our lives,I think it is important for me to comment on how Canada is receiving International students.Just let me say from the beginning that Canada has a proud history of welcoming International students to our schools and I believe this will continue.
In preparation for this part of the presentation,I went to the website of the University I am most familiar with as a student and as a faculty member.The following slides are examples of what you see when you first go onto Westen University's site and I am confident that our other universities and colleges have the same priorities.
Given the COVID-19 pandemic,social distancing is a requirement.Our schools are working to ensure the appropriate protocols are in place to allow students and staff to learn and work in safe environments.
Racism in any form is not accepted.Our schools all have mandated policies that clearly state expectations so that all students and staff can learn and work in a positive environment.
Students from 128 countries and promote the international study experience for Canadian students–170 programs in 40 different countries。
Thank you for allowing me to present to you today.感谢大家聆听我的今天的演讲。
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