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How to Write a Perfect Essay?

2020-06-01 环球教育

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  Essays are short non-fiction compositions that describe, clarify, argue, or analyze certain topics. Essay writing is an important part of academic life for most university and college students. Although not many of us are required to be able to organize a profound research essay in future job, practicing essay writing can help us gain effective communication skills, enrich our vocabulary, as well as deepen the knowledge we have learned. These skills will benefit our career and relationship in the long-term.  


  The process of writing an essay include prewriting, develop a thesis, find support, writing and organizing, and revising and proofreading.





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  Good ideas don’t grow on trees. Before we start on a blank piece of paper, we need to get ourselves prepared for the topic. Reviewing our notes is a good way. We can also read a variety of relevant sources online to get a deeper understanding of the subject.


  Develop a Thesis

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  The thesis of your essay is the statement you want to argue. This is the most important part of your essay. Make sure your thesis is clear and arguable, and then plan your other supporting arguments around it.


  Find Support

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  Now that you have a strong thesis, it is time to develop the argument. In this step, you will need evidence to support your thesis. You need evidence that can prove your claims and make sure these pieces of evidence can be integrated smoothly in the text.  


  Writing and Organizing

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  Organize your ideas into paragraphs. An essay usually contains an introduction paragraph, several body paragraphs and a concluding paragraph. When you write your essay, make sure all ideas are thoroughly explained and all evidence need to support your thesis.


  Revising and Proofreading

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  In this final step, first we revise the general ideas of our essay. Adding, removing or replacing a whole section of text. Rearranging the order of the supporting arguments. Once our ideas all are organized and uncluttered, we can take a close look at the individual sentences and words. Read your essay out loud to find misleading sentences or grammar mistakes.



  Words give everything in our life meanings. By practicing essay writing skills, you are practicing how to convey meaningful massage to others with words. Hope you enjoy writing your next essay!


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