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2022-05-20 环球教育



  Its stock may have come back down to earth, but Apple is still one of the most beloved brands in the world. Every launch of a new product is eagerly awaited. The company

had tremendous success last year with the launch of the iPhone 5 as well as the iPad mini, which helped drive record sales in the year's final quarter.

  苹果公司(Apple)的股票或许已经重新回落到现实水平,但苹果品牌依然是全球最受喜爱的品牌。它每一款新产品的发布都能激起消费者热切的期待。公司去年发布了iPhone 5和iPad mini,都取得令人瞩目的成功,公司在去年一个季度的销量也得以创下新的纪录。



  The search giant seems to be successfully adding hardware competency to its software dominance. It unveiled a host of exciting new products last year at CES. This year, one of the

most anticipated releases will be for the recently patented Google Glass eyewear. It is expected to be available for under $1500 to ordinary consumers.

  搜索巨头谷歌(Google)在软件优势的基础上成功强化了硬件能力。它在去年的消费类电子展(CES)上推出了一系列激动人心的新产品。而今年,它最令人期待的产品之一非谷歌眼镜(Google Glass)莫属。这款产品最近已经获得了专利认可,预计将以1,500美元的价格向普通消费者出售。



  The world's leading ecommerce company made a lot of investments last year that are expected to payoff in 2013. It went head to head with Apple's iPad with the release of the Kindle

Fire HD, which is now the #2 ranked tablet in the market. The company is also expected to improve its product delivery times with the opening of several fulfillment centers across the

country as well as in South America.

  亚马逊(Amazon)已经成为全球领先的电子商务公司,去年进行了大量投资。 2013年,这些投资预计将带来回报。它以苹果iPad为竞争对手,推出了Kindle Fire HD,目前在平板电脑市场中位居第二。此外,亚马逊将在美国和南美地区开设多个运营中心,预计将改善公司的产品交付时间。



      The tech solutions company gave a better than expected outlook for 2013 on the back of increased growth in emerging markets such as Brazil, India and China. It also announced a

new suite of mobile products for its business customers and an expanded relationship with AT&T to increase its presence in the mobile market.





   There was an underwhelming response to the latest version of Microsoft's flagship product, Windows 8. However, analysts believe it is only a matter of time before consumers get

used to the new interface and its presence across multiple platforms. The company also continues to perform well with its Office and Xbox products.

  虽然微软(Microsoft)推出的旗舰产品Windows 8反响平平,但分析师认为,这只是个时间问题,消费者很快就会习惯这种新的操作界面及其跨越多重平台的应用能力。此外,它的Office与Xbox产品表现依然抢眼。



   The world's leading chip manufacturer is finally making a push into segments other than PCs by announcing a range of products designed to accelerate its presence in other

personal electronic devices. It recently launched its high-speed, low power Atom processor aimed at the smartphone and tablet market.




      With a loyal client base that includes more than 3/4th of the Fortune Global 500, the global consultancy continues to enjoy healthy growth, generating net revenues of US$27.9 billion

for the fiscal year 2012. It also remains one of the top companies to be employed at, spending over $850 million each year on employee training and development.

  凭借忠诚的客户基础,其中包括四分之三的《财富》全球500强公司(Fortune Global 500),跨国咨询公司埃森哲(Accenture)继续保持着健康增长。2012财年,这家公司的净收入达到了279亿美元。此外,埃森哲也是的用人单位之一,公司每年用于员工培训与发展的开支超过8.5亿美元。



  Perhaps taking cues from Pinterest, the company recently launched a brand new homepage containing a highly visual, personalized feed of products specifically tailored for the user.

The redesign comes on the back of eBay's remarkable recovery that had its stock up by 70% in the last year, beating out other ecommerce giants such as Amazon.




  The social media has managed to stabilize after a disastrous IPO last year and recently unveiled its latest product, the 'Graph Search' feature that will allow users to search for results

in their friends' online activity. Analysts say the new feature could compete with sites such as Yelp and LinkedIn in terms of comparative searches.

  经历去年灾难性的IPO之后,这家社交媒体网站终于恢复稳定,并在最近发布了产品“社交图表搜索(Graph Search)”。这项功能允许用于搜索好友的在线活动。分析师称,这个功能在比较式搜索方面可以与点评网站Yelp和商务社交网站LinkedIn等网站相媲美。



  It's all about the cloud at Cisco and it's made several acquisitions to compete in that market. The company recently unveiled several products from its Quantum software portfolio that

will enable users to process data across their mobile and wireless networks.




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