2022-09-07 环球教育
Make a list
1.Do you make a list when you shop?
When I do grocery shopping in a supermarket, I would make a list onmy phone in advance. The reason is that I need to buy a lot of thingsand I am afraid I can’t remember all the things if I don’t make alist.
2.Do you make a list for your study?
Actually, I do. I thought it would be helpful, but it turned out tobe not. When I finish one of the tasks, I feel so tired that I can’tcontinue to follow the plans on the list. Therefore, the list
seemsto be useless.
3.Why do some people dislike making lists?
In my view, there could be two reasons. Firstly, some people madelists in the past and found that it’s useless. Secondly, there arepeople who have good memories and don’t find it
necessary to make alist at all.
4.Do you prefer to make a list in your phone or on paper?
I prefer to make a list on my phone for the reason that it would bestrange to take a piece of paper to the supermarket. Also, I mayforget to take the paper with me when I am in a rush but I wouldnever leave my phone at home.
In a hurry
1.Do you like to be in a hurry?
Absolutely, when I do my make-up before I go out, I would be in ahurry because I worry I might be late. However, I am very skillful inputting on cosmetics. Therefore, I am never late.
2.Do you usually go out in a hurry?
In many situations yes. The reason is that I usually need to do a lotof things before I go out, such as taking a shower, changing myclothes and doing my make-up. I tend to be late, so I am always in ahurry so as not to be late.
3.What do you always do in a hurry?
Well, when I am waiting for someone, I would lose patience. I wouldcall them and ask them when they would arrive. I don’t like to waitfor too long. I hate people to be late.
4.What kind of things would you never do in a hurry?
I would say that when I hang out with my friends in a shopping mall,I would never be in a hurry because it’s the time when I enjoy mylife. There is no need to be in a hurry.
1.Do you like reading?
To be honest, I am not a big fan of reading books. I prefer to watchsome TV shows and short videos in my spare time. I don’t know whatbooks to read. Nobody recommends me any.
Also, I don’t think it’srelaxing to read.
2.Do you have many books at home?
Actually, I do have many books because I like buying books when Ishop in a bookstore. However, I don’t read them. I feel that sincethey belong to me, there’s no need to start reading
them soon.
3.Do Chinese people do enough reading?
Based on my observation, we Chinese don’t do enough reading. Forexample, when I travel on a subway, I realize that the commuters arealways playing with their phones listening to
music or playing gamesinstead of reading a book. Very few people would hold a book to read.
4.What kind of people like reading and what kind of people don’t?
It is my opinion that language teachers and history teachers lovereading a lot. Also, writers and people who study literature. Theirjobs require them to read. As for people who dislike
reading, I wouldsay that these people usually cannot concentrate for a long time.They may prefer outdoor activities like hiking or cycling.
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