雅思口语:what is a backup plan?
2017-08-22 环球教育
今天环球教育小编为大家整理了:雅思口语考试题目“What is a backup plan ?”在这里,我们为大家提供了关于back up的定义以及在回答过程中可以使用的高级词汇,希望大家能够勤加练习,将问题的答案内化成为自己的知识。
What is a backup plan ?
A backup plan is a set of actions that you will take when something unexpected happens. Think of it as a contingency plan, or a Plan B.
A backup plan allows you to deal with accidents quickly and effectively. In a business scenario, it can even help you save time and cost in repairing the situation.
Also, a backup plan helps minimize the negative consequences or losses caused by the unexpected event. It guides you to start dealing with the situation as soon as something goes wrong and keeps you safe.
After all, having a backup plan ready is reassuring, because you won’t have to worry about making new plans in a rush.
backup plan /contingency plan 备份/应急计划
Unexpected 出乎预料的
scenario 场景
negative consequences 负面结果
Take action 采取行动
deal with 处理
repaire the situation 扭转情况
caused by 因…导致
go wrong 出问题
worry about 担心
in a rush匆忙地
以上就是环球教育小编为大家带来的口语题目:backup plan的定义及答题要点。雅思口语在备考过程中需要多多练习,更需要找出自己的错误,加以改正。更多雅思考试口语备考技巧伙伴们可以关注环球教育雅思口语考试频道!
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