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来自雅思考官的吐槽信, 没错是戏精本人了


最近,环环在逛“外国知乎”Quora的时候,发现了一篇很有趣的文章:「What does it feel like to be an IELTS speaking test examiner?」。看完之后,顿时脑补了这个考官吐槽考生的悲愤脸~ 忍不住想分享给大家:

Actually, it's enjoyable. Not many speaking examiners do it as a full-time job, so it makes a pleasant change from teaching.

这里环环就不用解释啦~ 大家都看得懂。

Firstly, the speaking test examiner is well aware that candidates are nervous, but in most cases they settle down and are too focused on the test to be nervous.


Secondly, you sometimes wonder why some candidates have put themselves in for the test. They have the barest minimum of English, which means that they can't cope with anything but the easiest questions. Any other questions bring forth long pauses, requests for repetition or coughing. Usually they shake their heads, meaning that they can't understand the question or venture an answer. Why did they bother to go in for it - and pay the huge test fee?

所以,其实考官也会疑惑为啥烤鸭们不准备就去考试,内心OS: why did you even come in?!所以,烤鸭们在准备雅思考试的时候,口语部分要多用点心!平时一定要多刷刷题库,否则万一某个考场考官比较straightforward, 估计会直接翻个白眼!

At the other extreme are superb candidates. They give fluent, coherent, well-constructed answers which would put many a mother-tongue speaker of English to shame. You have to listen very carefully indeed for any inaccuracy or inappropriate language, but there usually isn't any.

相反的,有一些烤鸭则是处于开挂状态,连母语是英语的考官都自愧不如!环环表示,如果对题库了如指掌,而且也能够完全get到考官的问题类型,给出相对应的答案,要做到fluent, coherent and well-constructed根本不难~

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