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Describe a good law in your country.
What it is.
How you knew it.
Who would be affected.
And explain why it is good.
前一段时间的滴滴事件, 引发了轩然大波, 使得出行安全走向了大众目光的C位. 就连雅思也走一波潮流, 开始考法律的话题. 2018年5~8月的话题着实让人堪忧, 先是被惊吓的经历, 接着考吃药的过程, 然后又引发出法律话题, 口语考试开始逐渐把考生打入冷宫. 不过不要紧, 小兔景鹏身上纹, 我们都是社会人~一起看看这个变态的法律话题吧.
这部法律的背景是最近的滴滴事件引发出来的轩然大波,可以作为衬托,形成一个非常与众不同的开头「比如: Well, the topic of law is very pertinent to the recently controversial issue of Didi Taxi, namely, the rape-and-kill incident. For this reason, I would like to share with you a law which can help to guarantee people’s---especially female adolescents’---safety.」
具体谈一谈你自己对于这部法律的认识「比如可以说自己喜不喜欢这部法律啊,自己的个人喜好啊,这部法律的具体哪个法条比较让你受触动啊等等。可以把具体的认知分成两到三个层次去谈。法条的英文是Legal Provision, 注意不要用错哦。」
The Law of Protection of the Juveniles 未成年人保护法
my understanding of this law began(我对…的认知是从…时候开始的)
have legal consciousness/awareness(具有法律意识)
encountered (遇见;遇到)
special circumstances(特殊环境)
is targeted at(针对…群体)
be subject to(容易受…影响或制约的)
is regarded as(被视作)
guarantee(保障) (=protection)
as a whole(大体上而言)
in terms of(就…而言;当谈及到…)
safeguard the rights of(保障…的权益)
Children Charitable Organisation(儿童慈善组织)
giving priority to(优先考虑…)
is comprised of/attributed to(包括)
imitate the world(模仿世界)
do things on impulse(冲动地做某事)
be harmful to or detrimental to(对…有害)
Describe a good law in your country
I'd like to describe a law called The Law of Protection of the Juveniles. (未成年人保护法) My understanding of this law began(我对…的认知是从…时候开始的) at the age of five, when I began to have legal consciousness/awareness(具有法律意识).
When I encountered (遇见;遇到) some special circumstances(特殊环境). It is targeted at(针对…群体) children who are likely to be hurt, to be spoilt, who are very fragile(脆弱的;容易受伤害的), especially who are at the age of being subject to(容易受…影响或制约的) changes. This law is regarded as(被视作) a very good insurance of children, who should be protected by government or by parents.
Well, the law in my country, that is very advisable, I would like to talk about, is called the Law of Protection of the Juveniles. It is regarded as a very good guarantee(保障) (=protection) for children who want protection and attention from the government in our country as a whole(大体上而言). In terms of(就…而言;当谈及到…) what it is, well, it is a law like to safeguard the rights of(保障…的权益) children who are more likely to be affected, to be hurt by the society.
Concerning(至于…) how I knew this law, I would say, my understanding of the law began in the year of 2008, when I began to take part in the Children Charitable Organisation(儿童慈善组织), which was targeted at giving priority to(优先考虑…) children, giving due attention and care to children in need of protection. And also, my understanding began when I paid a visit to Africa, where there were lots of children who were suffering from disease, suffering from mistreats and so forth. They were just who would be benefited by this law. Finally, as regards/concerning why I believe this is a fabulous(极好的) law, it is basically comprised of/attributed to(包括) two factors.
First of all, it’s because, well, this is simply the best to know so far about the protection of juveniles who are likely to be affected. Children are at an age of imitating the world(模仿世界) and environment they live in, which means, they are likely to be affected by the surroundings. So based on this law, they would not do things on impulse(冲动地做某事) and they would be responsible for themselves. On the other hand, this is also a good idea for children to pay attention to their own social conduct(s), because without the law, they would misbehave(不守规矩;造作), they would do things on impulse, and they would do lots of things that are out of control, which would be harmful to or detrimental to(对…有害) the overall social development.
All in all, the law is so far the best or the most complete law for the juvenile protection, to safeguard their own rights as well as guarantee/ensure their security.
Sooooooooo much.
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