各位同学大家好, 我是来自朴新环球教育的雅思口语老师。运动健康类话题是雅思口语的一个必考话题。
比如2019年1到4月份 part1 题目swimming; running; sports games; part 2 话题 a lifestyle that helps you stay healthy.
如何把运动类话题化繁为简呢,请听part1running 话题讲解。
part 1 running
Do you like running?
How often do you run?
Do you think running is a good exercise?
第一题:Do you like xxx? 喜好类题目 我们首先要给出考官direct answer,也就是你的倾向。请同学注意,回答问题一定要紧扣词汇评分标准,use less common expression. 我们可以用I’m a big fan of sth 来加强自己的喜爱程度。 用the last thing I would do is sth来表示自己不喜欢的东西。
第二题: How often xxx? 频率题 同学们同样可以秀出自己的idiomatic expressions 如do something on a regular basis 以固定频率做某事;regular 可以替换为daily/ weekly basis 表示以天或周为频率做某事。
第三题: Do you think xxx? 观点类题目 同学们可以用I suppose 或personally I think 来表明自己的观点。接着我们就需要解释“good” 这个词儿了。 跑步是一项很好的有氧运动(aerobic exercise)可以帮我们减脂(burn up calories/curbs)提高心肺(improve the function of heart and lung); 我们也可以和其他的运动做比较,突出running 没有场地限制,不需要器材等的优势。
Do you like running?
Yeah. I’m a big fan of running and it always puts me in a good mood after running 5 kilometers on the treadmill.
Honestly, no. The last thing I would do is running. You know It’s so exhausting plus I can’t stand the feeling of getting wet with sweat.
How often do you run?
I jog on a regular basis, pretty much three times a week. The place I often go is the fitness center which is just within walking distance from my place. Jogging can always put me in a good mood.
Do you think running is a good exercise?
I suppose so. first of all, it’s a great aerobic exercise that can help us burn up carbs and improve the function of heart and lung. Plus, compared with other sports like swimming, it’s much more convenient to do. I mean, all we need is a pair of comfortable shoes then we can get started.
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