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2016-04-01 环球教育

  1. Name

  你叫什么 name? your full name ?/what shall/can I call you?

  2. Study or work/subject

  学生还上班,如学生,专业,原因?Is it difficult ? 专业,专业难吗,想从事什么专业? 工作内容都有哪些?是否喜欢你的工作?工作和同事相处,哪个更重要,为什么?专业学习时什么最有趣?专业学习中teacher 与classmates 哪个更重要?教师还是学生重要?你可以从老师学到什么? What’s your favorite subject ? why you choose this subject ? 。为什么艺术课程对孩子有益,是艺术课重要还是文化课重要?what do you want to do? 你最喜欢学习的哪一部分? 家长对孩子的作用大吗? 在哪一方面?为什么?

  3. Hometown

  你来自哪里?家乡是不是适合小孩子成长?你将来会住在乡村吗? Why ? 你来自哪里?你是从小在这里长大吗?你喜欢的家乡吗?为什么?家乡发展如何?以后会回家乡么?为什么?家乡有什么变化吗?

  4. snacks

  你喜欢什么snacks ? 什么时候吃? Why ? what’s your favorite snack ? why ? what’s the standard in choosing snacks ? when do you eat snacks ?

  5.handwriting /email

  email? Calling/message/email? 你和谁email最多?什么类型的信件比较多?Do you often use social internet ? when was your first time to know social website ? handwriting 会被computer 取代吗? What impression does a person’s handwriting have on other people ?

  用社交网络吗?多就用一次? 以后会少用吗?

  6. Stay alone

  stay alone,经常单独吗,上次单独什么时候? 喜不喜欢一个人的时间?你一个人的时候都干嘛?你觉得有自己一个人的时间好吗?

  7. color

  What’s your favorite color ? do you like dark colors or light colors ? do you mind the color of your car ? what’s the color of your room ? Is color important in your life ? 颜色在你买东西的时候会不会影响你?你不会在家里用什么颜色?在你小时候颜色对你重要吗?

  8. photography


  9. swimming

  Do you like swimming ? why so popular ? do you prefer swimming in the pool or sea ? is learning early good for children ? 会游泳吗?游泳有什么好处?

  10. reading

  What kinds of book do you like ? did you send a book to children ? 上一次读书是什么时候?小时候喜不喜欢看书,? What one do you prefer , magazines or books ? how often do you read English books ?

  11. hurry

  what did u do in a hurry? 如果做得快有什么坏处? 还有哪些事情从来不会很快去做?when was the last time you did sth. in a hurry? Do you like finishing thing quickly ?

  what kinds of thing do you never do in a hurry ? why do people make mistake more easier when they are in a hurry ?

  12. history

  Is it important to learn history ?How can people learn history in China ? Did you learn any local history ? Who likes to learn history ? 去博物馆看历史展览吗? 喜欢历史吗?

  13. teacher


  14. teamwork

  team work你小的时候合作过吗?现在呢?合作会产生什么问题吗?

  15. weekends


  16. home

  Why do you like ur home ? which room is your favorite ? which part do you want to change ?

  17. riding

  Do you think there are many people like riding bicycles ? do you think it is difficult to learn ? is it safe to ride ? 中国有很多人骑车吗? 你喜欢吗?

  18. night

  What do you usually do at night ? what’s the difference between the things you usually do in the weekdays’ nights and weekends night ? 你晚上喜欢做啥?晚上不喜欢做啥?

  19. park

  Do you like parks ? what do you usually do in the park ? how often do you go there ? what do you think are the functions of parks and public gardens ?在你们国家什么样的人喜欢去公园?

  20. dancing

  Do you dance ? when people dance ? do you like other dance ? when was the last time you danced ? when was the last time you watched a dance performance ? do you think there are any advantages for young people to go dancing ? did you learn dance when you were a child ?

  21. mobile phone

  你平时怎么联系你身边的人?用手机还是其它方式? 你会写卡片给别人吗?为什么? Do you have a mobile phone ? how do you think mobile phone will develop in the future ? what trouble will a mobile phone cause when you are travelling ? do you prefer to communicate by telephone calls or by message ?

  22 . primary school

  你的第一个学校咋样? How old were you when you started school ? where did you go to school ? can you describe it ? are you still in contact with any of friends you had in your primary school ? what were some of the most popular activities at primary school ? 你如何去学校?学校的啥最吸引你?你喜欢那个学校吗?你觉得一个好学校应该具备什么?

  23. computer

  Do you use computer in work or study ? why ? what disadvantages in using computer ? what do you do in evening ? do you play computer games ? 你觉得应该掌握哪些电脑技能?对于电脑有什么不喜欢的么?

  24. handcraft

  Did you ever made anything by hand when you were a child ? do children in your country often make things by hand ? do you think it is very useful for children to make things by hand ? is there anything that you would like to make by hand in the future ?

  25. toy

  Did you have many toys when you were a child ? did you like playing with them ? who would usually buy toys for you ? did you like to share toys with others

  26. staying at home

  你经常待在家里吗? 一般都干嘛? 小时候在家里干的事情和现在一样吗?你以后想要常常待在家里吗?

  27. friendship

  Do you have fewer friends or lots of friends ? what do you usually do with friends ? 朋友多好还是朋友少好? 你最好的朋友是什么时候认识的? 很多朋友重要还是特殊的朋友重要?喜欢独处还是和朋友一起? 你在什么时候认识你最好的朋友?

  28. Movie

  喜欢看电影吗,哪里看电影,以后会拍电影吗? 你认为最好的电影是什么?有没有自己拍电影的想法?过去喜欢的电影,现在还喜欢吗?

  29. science course

  喜欢科学课程吗? 上电视看科学课程吗? 科技博物馆在中国受欢迎吗? Good points 学习science course ?

  30. stay up late


  31. studying

  喜欢是在早上还是晚上工作/学习? 为啥?

  32. music

  喜欢听什么类型的音乐?喜欢听音乐会吗?以后会去看音乐会吗? 童年和现在喜欢的音乐一样吗?喜欢CD还是现场音乐?

  33. sport

  小孩子现在运动的多吗? 在中国最流行的运动是什么?

  34. taxi or bus

  Do you usually travel by bus or taxi ? and which one do you prefer ?

  35. museum

  你喜欢去博物馆吗?频率? 博物馆的好处?

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